Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Kiss

Today, I was looking back on the day my hair starting falling out.  A little over two years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  By April of that year, I was into my second treatment of chemo, when suddenly I reached up to brush my hair and found I had a brush full of hair.  As the day progressed I was much aware of hair on my shoulders and would reach up and get a handful.  Of course, I knew I would be losing my hair, but didn’t expect it for another week or so.  I talked to my husband Dale about what I should do for I couldn’t walk around with my hair falling over everything.  I said what do you think I should do?  Do you think I should just go ahead and shave it all off?  I had truly made up my mind in advance that everything that happened during this trying time I would accept; because I knew God was my strength and He would be with me through whatever was to come.  I knew that I was His whether I lived or died.  One way or the other I was in His hands whether here or in heaven.
After seeing what was happening, I told Dale I thought I’d better call and make an appointment to have my hair shaved.  Bless his heart.  He said do you want me to shave it for you?  We went the bathroom, I sat down with controlled emotions and he started shaving it off.  In the midst of shaving, he realized he didn’t have a sharp enough razor, so he ran down the street to the pharmacy to buy a better razor.  While he was there, many thoughts went through my mind as I sat there and stared in the mirror.  How would I look, what would he think of me without hair, and what would everyone else think?  What would I be wearing, a wig, scarf, or hat?  Many things went through my mind during that short time as I sat there looking at my partially shaved head.
Finally, he was back and gently shaved my head till it was shiny and hairless.  As soon as he completed the much dreaded task, he leaned over and KISSED the top of my head.  No one will ever know what I felt at that moment.  This was such a surprise for me because this was my non-emotional husband planting a sweet kiss on top of my hairless head.  I knew then, God always knows what He’s doing even in some of the smallest ways to let me know all was going to be alright because He had given me one of the most wonderful husbands that any woman could ever have.  That kissed showed me, my husband was going to be with me no matter what was ahead just the same as my Lord and Savior is.  L Corinthians 13:8    “Love never fails.”